Spivey Pope Green LLC Attorneys at Law

478.254.8866[email protected]

Solving Human Resource Challenges One Step at a Time

Most businesses have a human resource department that handles challenges that may present themselves. But, if an issue arises that threatens legal action, it’s wise to involve an attorney. The SPGG human resource attorneys have extensive experience helping businesses stay within the law and guide them through difficult challenges.

Fortunately, there are ways you can proactively manage potential human resource issues. Consider the following tips that will set your company up for success:

Employee Terminations & Exit Interviews

Nobody likes losing an employee, but their insight can be invaluable information for your company. Conducting an employee termination and exit interview must be handled with care. Asking the appropriate questions and seeking insight on how to better the company can help the work relationship end on a good note.

Planning & Implementing Recordkeeping Procedures

One of the worst things that can happen to a company is losing vital information. Before this has the possibility of happening, implement certain recordkeeping procedures and ensure that all employees understand their roles. Make sure everyone is notified if a change occurs and kept accountable for all recordkeeping transactions.

Wage & Hour Compliance Reviews

It’s of the upmost importance to be compliant with wages. This ensures that everyone is being treated fairly and a lawsuit concerning wages can’t come to light. If you need to ensure that your company is paying your employees enough, a SPG lawyer will gladly talk and review with you about your wage and hour compliancy.

These are only three of many human resource issues a SPGG lawyer can be of assistance. Other issues include discrimination, harassment, Family and Medical Leave Act issues, and Americans with Disabilities Act matters. Keep your human resource department up-to-par by hiring a SPGG lawyer to help you with any problems.

Call one of our human resource lawyers today at 478-254-8866.