Spivey Pope Green LLC Attorneys at Law

478.254.8866[email protected]

Discrimination & Harassment Issues? SPGG Can Help

Workplace discrimination and harassment can introduce costly lawsuits and decrease employee morale. As employment and human resource attorneys, we can help keep you up-to-date with current laws and regulations.

Call SPGG today at 478-254-8866 for any employment and human resource legal needs!

We provide preventative measures that can head off costly litigation on employment issues, such as properly-crafted employee handbooks and employment agreements.

Preventative & Reactive Measures for the Workplace

Did you know that an employer is liable for harassment and discrimination that occurs in the workplace if certain measures are not taken? Those measures include providing an avenue for complaint and taking appropriate actions to try to stop the discrimination or harassment. Sadly, these occurrences are common. However, you can take preventative measures to stop it before it happens.

Train Your Employees

In multiple locations and in various ways, clearly explain what harassment and discrimination is and what the consequences are if you take part in these acts. We recommend dedicating a section about harassment and discrimination in your employee handbook, post flyers around the job site, and bring in a professional speaker once or twice a year to educate your employees about these critical issues.

Be Present & Available

As a boss, it’s very important to set aside time to be among your employees. By doing this, they may feel more comfortable reporting any harassment or discrimination since they have been around you at various times. If an employee asks to speak to you, be available to speak to him or her. If you delay the meeting, the employee may choose to not report the incident.

Take All Complaints Seriously

If an employee reveals that harassment or discrimination is occurring, do not avoid the situation. Be sure to deliver the appropriate consequence according to the handbook. This will reaffirm to your company that the rules cannot be broken and you are someone they can trust. If employees believe you will fight for them, they will work hard for you.

These proactive measures can help you develop and implement sound personnel policies and practices to reduce the risk of costly lawsuits by employees.

Call SPGG today at 478-254-8866!