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3 Employer Tips for a Successful Exit Interview

Many companies require an exit interview to be performed when an employee gives his notice. While the thought of losing an employee is discouraging, you can use the exit interview to gain valuable information that can better the company as a whole! Don’t be afraid to ask in-depth questions, explore their answers, and end on a positive note.

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Read more about the tips to ensure a positive, exit interview:

Ask In-Depth Questions

An exit interview can be extremely beneficial if you ask the right questions. Don’t be afraid to explore why your employee is leaving by asking in-depth questions. Surface-level questions will be met with surface-level responses.

The main questions to ask should surround the reason behind why he is leaving. And, be open to ways your employee suggests the company can better itself.

Explore Their Answers

When your employee answers your questions, ask them for more detail if needed. It’s unlikely that this employee is the only one feeling this way. This can be a good indicator of employee morale, and possibly ways to improve it.

No matter how the employee responds, remain objective and do not get defensive. A defensive answer will shut down any honest communication between you and the employee.

End on a Positive Note

It’s important to make sure your employee feels appreciated and valued. Even though he may not work there anymore, word-of-mouth can be your greatest asset or your greatest enemy. He may recommend other people to your company or bring you future business, even though he doesn’t work there anymore. At the end of the exit interview, compliment him on the things he did well and express your gratitude for his loyalty.

The team at Spivey Pope Green & Greer has extensive experience with employment law. We can discuss with you employee terminations and exit interviews so you are abiding within the law.

Contact us today with your legal needs.